Germany in the 1930s was a period of tremendous political and social transformations, leading to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. The early 1930s in Germany witnessed significant economic and political crises, largely stemming from the global Great Depression and the aftermath of World War I. The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, imposed heavy reparations on Germany, leading to economic difficulties and massive inflation.

The Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, capitalized on the prevailing discontent by promising to revive the economy, restore nationalism, and unify the Germans. Despite their extremist views, the Nazis gained popularity and won 18% of the votes in the September 1930 elections. By 1932, they became the largest party in the Reichstag, although they did not achieve an absolute majority.

Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933, not through direct election but through a political deal. Once in power, the Nazis quickly moved to dismantle German democracy. The Reichstag fire in February 1933 was a pivotal moment, leading to the issuance of the Reichstag Fire Decree, which curtailed civil rights and allowed for the arrest of political opponents. This event paved the way for the Enabling Act in March 1933, granting Hitler dictatorial powers by allowing him to pass laws without parliamentary consent.

The following video contains scenes from Germany during that period:

Last update: 2024-01-12 13:32:22

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